Restore ETICS systems
We illustrate the main aesthetic and structural pathologies of the ETICS thermal insulation system, proposing ad hoc restoration cycles.
We offer various products and solutions to intervene with appropriate healing cycles.

Highlighted: damage from HAIL
Hail can compromise the aesthetics of a coat, causing dents that, in addition, worsen the stability of the insulation system.
Ard Raccanello proposes the Rebuild system cycle, capable of restoring the ETICS support hit by hail. Rebuild system ensures long-lasting protection of the ETICS system, protecting the coat from hail impacts. With a very high impact resistance (up to 30J) a wide protection of the coat systems from breakages and dents is guaranteed.
Repair cycle for ETICS external insulation systems damaged by hail
Repair of missing parts caused by hail with a lightweight elastomeric skimming primer in anti-algae paste: the repairs must be coplanar with the remaining surface to avoid them being noticeable once the finish has been carried out. Place diagonal reinforcements in glass fiber mesh weighing 150 g/m² on the edges of openings (windows, doors, etc.), incorporating them with the lightweight skimming primer. Smooth all surfaces with the same primer and incorporate a glass fiber mesh weighing 150 g/m². After another smoothing in a colour similar to the finish, application with a trowel and sanding of the lightweight-coloured finishing plaster. The colour must be chosen from those indicated for external insulation systems in our Tinte d’Italia fandeck.
1. Fixative
2. 1^ Lightened Shaving
3. Drowing
4. 2^ Lightened Shaving
5. Lightened Finish
Rebuild Intonaclima L