Home · Why I chose ARD: ME.BI. Color

Why I chose ARD: ME.BI. Color




Colore & Hobby

Erika Mendola is a young entrepreneur who decided to go into business in the world of paint products alongside her partner, Pietro Cartina. Ms. Mendola was supported in this decision by her father, Francesco, himself boasting a lifetime of experience in the world of color with an extensive understanding of ARD products.

ME.BI. Color tells about them

Erika Mendola – "The performance and the content of the products are exactly as marketed and promised." Francesco Mendola – "Since I started in the sector, the products have changed so much, becoming increasingly advanced and specific. ARD has kept up with the times, and in several occasions, they have paved the way with innovative and unique products. Today ARD’s products for both interiors and exteriors are testimony to the company’s professionalism, while remaining easy to apply."


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At the prestigious Caffè Pedrocchi venue, our company was awarded at the 5th edition of the Luca Ometto Award.

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