Home · Why I chose ARD: Fantechi Color Store

Why I chose ARD: Fantechi Color Store




Colore & Hobby

Color Store is located in Pontassieve, Florence district, and has been leading by the founder’s family, Luigi Fantechi, since 1976. The beautiful story of this business means family, entrepreneurial skills, human qualities and pragmatism, the same values that Fantechi has found in ARD Raccanello and which have made life to a flourished and lucky partnership, thanks to that Color Store has become an important point of reference for the stakeholders.

Color Store tells about them

“In 1956 I already worked as sales agent for an hardware shop that sold paint too" – tells Luigi Fantechi. “The business has been defined and organized in three sectors – Federico tells: hardware shop and key duplication, colors and home products-wedding lists. In the re-organization the hardware department could have more space available and so a more functional structure. In the meanwhile, thanks to the friendship and professional collaboration with Claudio Gori – ARD Raccanello sales agent – we started to expand our craftsman and painter clients and to range paint for cycles always more specific for indoor and outdoor”.


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