Home · Why I chose ARD: Arte Color

Why I chose ARD: Arte Color




Colore & Hobby

Antonio Pennisi is an enthusiast, and this approach clearly highlights his passion for paints, varnishes and colour. Born into the trade, ever since he was a kid he followed in his father Pippo’s footsteps. Over the course of time, he developed the idea of opening a paint shop, and was able to realise this project in 1993. That enterprise is now an important business, managed in impeccable fashion: Antonio loves to work in full observance of commitments and deadlines, following customers with true dedication.

Arte Color tells about them

“My relationship with ARD began even before my shop existed, as my father already used their paints: even the walls of these rooms were painted with Idropaint! Our actual collaboration began in 1999 and has continued uninterrupted since then.”


Last articles


The ethic leadership: Luigi Gorza for Corriere della Sera

For Luigi Gorza, CEO of Ard Raccanello, this is one of the reasons for the company's growth.


ARD Raccanello and the climate challenge

Climate City Contract is the agreement that involves cities in a commitment to the climate.


Luca Ometto Award: 5th edition ‘Welfare and Sustainability’

At the prestigious Caffè Pedrocchi venue, our company was awarded at the 5th edition of the Luca Ometto Award.

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