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We did this: Palazzo Valmarana Salvi Negri, Vicenza




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Palazzo Valmarana Salvi Negri is placed in the corner between the well-known Corso Palladio and Contrà Santa Corona, in t h e downtown of Vicenza. It is part of the huge architectural and cultural heritage of the Bacchiglione river city, was built in the 1500 and renovated in the 1900 and, in the first months of this year, has undergone an important restoration action able to restore the ancient splendor. The action was made in whole security and today the velvet, almost soft aspect of the facades painted with lime contributes to enrich the charm of beautiful Vicenza.

In Vicenza, a prestigious historic restoration

Albano Passarin - We reached a good aesthetical and chromatic result, and we were surely supported by the applied material kind and the finalized hue for the need. ARD Lime has been a lime really perfect for architectural and historical heritage building wall decoration. Product nature let,indeed, to realized hues with an extraordinary brightness which make surfaces more precious thanks to the color texture, full and not uniform.


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