Home · Thanks to Gulìa Urbana ARD celebrates Street Art

Thanks to Gulìa Urbana ARD celebrates Street Art




Colore & Hobby

It is well known how ARD is really keen on art, cultural events and on the value of local identity. So that, the company of Padua has become partner of a lot of successful initiatives, which have contributed to affirm not only its product values, but also its vision depth.

The interview

From the collaboration with Tony Gallo – who has realized the huge murales on the main façade of the historical Padua production plant – to the choral event ast summer in Calabria and Puglia, the step has been easy: ARD has identified in Street Art an artistic way with an high added value, because of its cultural and social contribute, and with its products has valorized its results. We spoke about it with Giacomo Marinaro, Art Director of the event and with Marco Canciani, Marketing and Communication Director of ARD Raccanello.

Giacomo Marinaro, what is Gulìa Urbana, how was it born, what is its aim and how it fits Rublanu m activity? Giacomo Marinaro- The Gulìa Urbana project was born by an idea of a young Calabrian social promotion association, Rublanum. At the project basis there is the will to recover abandoned or few valorized urban areas through art, with eference to graffiti and street art world overall.


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