Home · Luca Ometto Award: 5th edition ‘Welfare and Sustainability’

Luca Ometto Award: 5th edition ‘Welfare and Sustainability’


December 2024


ARD Raccanello

At the prestigious Caffè Pedrocchi venue, our company was awarded at the 5th edition of the Luca Ometto Award. The Ometto Foundation recognized our company’s merit in knowing how to consciously deal with sustainability issues and the careful management of corporate welfare. We thank the organizers for hosting us and the companies participating in the evening for the fruitful exchange of ideas and experiences!

Luca Ometto Foundation

The Foundation is a non-profit organization that aims to raise awareness in the community about specific issues. Its mission is to finance scientific research to improve the treatment effectiveness and quality of life in cancer patients. Another important goal is the donation, installation and training on defibrillators in green areas and schools, for a prompt rescue.


The last articles


ISO 14001 certification also arrives at the Padua headquarters!

It does not only represent a goal achieved, but rather a new piece of that growth strategy that aims at environmental and social sustainability.


The ethic leadership: Luigi Gorza for Corriere della Sera

For Luigi Gorza, CEO of Ard Raccanello, this is one of the reasons for the company's growth.


ARD Raccanello and the climate challenge

Climate City Contract is the agreement that involves cities in a commitment to the climate.

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