Home · ISO 14001 certification also arrives at the Padua headquarters!

ISO 14001 certification also arrives at the Padua headquarters!


March 2025


ARD Raccanello

Ard Raccanello has also obtained the prestigious ISO 14001 certification in its Padua plant. The confirmation came at the end of 2024, while in Rovigo - where we produce 90% of our water-based paints - it has been active since 2006.

What does it mean for us?

It does not only represent a goal achieved, but rather a new piece of that growth strategy that aims at environmental and social sustainability.
It testifies to the implementation of sustainable industrial and production processes, from raw materials to company organization.

It then enriches the framework of expectations and objectives set, fueling that sustainable path undertaken towards the environment and people, for an improvement in economic and above all human performance.


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