Home · Great Place to Work® & Blue Collar 2024

ARD Raccanello Great Place to Work® and Blue Collar top 10 again!


October 2024


ARD Raccanello

ARD Raccanello also in 2024 gets Italy Great Place to Work® certification, the prestigious award issued by the independent international company GPTW®, which certifies the work environment quality and positivity.
It is also confirmed in the top 10 Italian Blue Collar companies, that is, among the 10 best workplaces in manufacturing professional category opinion, a crucial category in the industrial world. We are fifth! Climbing through 4 positions compared to 2023.

Link to the ranking

The People Experience

“[…]for us at ARD, being certified Great Place to Work® and Best Workplaces for Blue Collar is a success. It means that the award of personal value in the company is mutual and shared. Involving the uniqueness of each person, enhancing it in company projects and initiatives, is our way of growing by fueling inclusion”. Luigi Gorza, CEO of ARD Raccanello.
The Great Place to Work® and Blue Collar certifications represent an added value not only for ARD Raccanello, but also for all its employees. Working in a company that takes care of its collaborators is a privilege that has a positive impact on motivation, productivity and staff loyalty.


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