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Transparent Acrylic Glossy Protective

Surface Clear Preserving

This product is based on acrylic polymers which, thanks to the evaporation of the solvent, produce a transparent opaque or glossy film with excellent adhesion, elasticity & resistance to chemical-atmospheric agents. SURFACE CLEAR PRESERVING does not yellow under UV rays; its protective film waterproofs the substrate whilst permitting water vapour transpiration.

Surface Clear Preserving - protettivo trasparente lucido - Ard Raccanello

Technical features

Its reversible as it can be easily removed with the ARD 0.976. thinner.

It has been devised to protect listed buildings against the damage caused by pollution. SURFACE CLEAR PRESERVING is a versatile product, ideal for the protection & preservation of end items in marble or stones with poor porosity.

With brush

From min. 20% to max 100% in volume of DILUENTE SINTETICO RAPIDO 0.976. (80% for flat version)

Air Spay Gun

air spray gun: in volume of DILUENTE SINTETICO RAPIDO 0.976.: 1,2-1,4 mm diametre & 3kg/cm2 pressure


Approx. 7,5 m2/l with 2 layers (smooth surfaces with average absorption)


Allow 24 h between layers

Product list


Security card


Technical data sheet glossy


Technical data sheet matte



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